Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Brief Screening Report- There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood is a Move about an oil mining guiness who talks a small city into letting him drill in there small community. Daniel Plainview talks the Sunday family into selling their property to him. Paul Sunday, the father of the family, decides to sell to him. Throughout the moive Eli Sunday, Paul's son, only wants to bring faith into the community and only cares about a church being built soon after the well is drilled. Danial nodds it off and states "I don't have one single faith." Daniel is not of  a religious man and this irritates Eli. Especially, after Daniels son goes deaf after a massive drill explosion Daniel gets angered with eli and the faith and realizes his drilling empire is soon crashing down. Only if Daniel can find a cheaper way to transport oil can he keep his company afloat.

Personally, I don't find this movie very thrilling. There are no special lighting effects, the conversation is really difficult to understand and the storyline is very unclear. I felt as if watching multiple movies and I couldn't stay concentrated. It doesn't really help that I am not into Westerns, if I had to give this movie a genre. The movie itself is very long and quite boring I will admit. The Acting however was quite good. The speech Daniel gives to the people ensuring them that the oil drill will be a success is wonderful.  He is calm yet forcefull but he makes you believe that he is talking to you directly. The scenery is also somewhat good. Even though its mostly barren land not many movies are taped in something like a desert area. Overall, I didn't enjoy this movie.

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